44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
Pesti Vigadó, 10. November 2017
Joint Concert by Barnabás Kelemen’s Family and the Orchestra of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble.
In his age group, Barnabás Kelemen is one of the most outstanding and most versatile talents both as a violinist and as a violist. In addition, he is a dedicated chamber musician, quartet musician and conductor. He has been giving master courses throughout the world and in 2005 he was appointed associate professor at Liszt Academy of Music. He is one of the celebrated artists of the world’s most renowned concert halls. Day by day, for many concert goers his wonderful music provides real music to the soul.
It is a great honour for the Orchestra of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble to have Barnabás Kelemen and his Family as special guests at this performance.

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This concert by the Orchestra of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble stages music pieces that oftentimes seem to answer one another through featuring folk and classical musical motives and, at other times, the pieces performed at this concert reach their musical consummation and climax in gypsy ensemble music typical of Hungarian towns. In fact, Barnabás Kelemen is proud to play those musical pieces that, in many cases, earned their fame thanks to the well-known gypsy musical band leader, Barnabás’ grandfather Pali Pertis.
The young violinist and violist’s wife Katalin Kokas is one of the most distinguished representatives of the generation of contemporary Hungarian violinists. Besides giving solo performances, she very much likes playing chamber music, especially in string quartets. At her concerts, she also plays Hungarian folk music by conjuring up memories of her childhood. Having been born in a family of musicians and educators, she deems teaching as one of her most important activities. Since 2002, she has been giving master courses throughout the world and in 2004 she was invited to teach at Liszt Academy of Music.

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Definitely, the children of such mother and father cannot grow up without music: this is illustrated at this joint event by Hanna’s sweet singing voice and Gáspár’s violin play, whose contribution makes this concert complete.

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