44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
Liszt Academy Concert Centre – Grand Hall, 13. May, 2017
The Béla Halmos trophy and medal in memory of the legendary folk musician and researcher were first presented in 2015. Each year, a professional jury awards a noteworthy first violinist use of the one-time violin of Béla Halmos, while the Béla Halmos medal (made by artist György Kiss B.) is presented by the Friends of the Hungarian Heritage House to an individual who has shown outstanding initiative in the organization of dance houses. Presentation of the prizes and the related gala concert have been arranged in the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy for the past three years. The evening is designed not only to commemorate and cherish the memory of Béla Halmos, but it also serves to keep alive the flame of the dance house movement launched in 1976. The movement was inscribed on the lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2011. And what better and more authentic venue for an evening celebrating the protection of folk music than the alma mater of Bartók and Kodály, the Liszt Academy, where the Folk Music Department has operated (the first such in Hungary) since 2007.

tanchaz napja 2017 870

Ildikó Bárdosi, Milán Hetényi (vocals); Balázs Istvánfi (bagpipe); Zoltán Juhász (recorder, bagpipe); István Horsa, Attila Mihó, Tamás Nyitrai, Balázs Vizeli (violin); Kálmán Balogh, Ferenc Zimber (cimbalom); Péter Árendás, Márton Fekete (viola); András Bognár (double bass, gardon); Alexandra Berta

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