Tükrös album release concert and dance house
Fonó, 28 November 2015
The TÜKRÖS Folk Music Ensemble was founded in 1986 and today is one of Hungary’s most respected revival folk bands, which specializes in collecting authentic folk music from remote villages of Hungary and Transylvania, and from archival recordings, preserving and presenting this music in its most authentic form, yet in a style most entertaining and suitable for all audiences. Their performance is a voyage back to historical times, when traditional folk music was an integral and crucial part of the village community’s daily life. TÜKRÖS CDs have been very popular, especially their disc of folk music collection from Szatmár county [North Eastern Hungary], which became a landmark release. They are a regular band at the FONÓ. In addition to performing, the band members are dedicated to teaching folk music in schools and organizing an annual folk music camp in Hungary. TÜKRÖS members are professional musicians with decades of performing experience. The band has toured throughout Europe, twice in Australia and once in North America.
More information:
Erdők, vizek zenéje CD#3910